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Please select one of the choices:

1. I agree with the following points:
a. All behaviors are found in all cultures/groups to some extent.

b. Some behaviors are found more often in certain cultures/groups.

c. Members of a culture/group will show particular behaviors to varying degrees (or not at all).

d. It is important to know about cultural differences so that when I see certain behaviors, I am more likely to view them as "different", not "deviant".

e. I will use the information contained in the articles in positive ways that will benefit my students.

f. I realize that Dr. Mac's articles have been through a stringent review process involving reviewers from the groups discussed and are published in the journals of professional groups that advocate for students with emotional and behavioral disorders.

g. I realize that it is important to read the cautions stated in, and attached to, the articles.  This prevents misinterpretation of the material.

h. I am willing to believe that Dr. Mac liked the kids he taught and writes about them in hopes that youngsters like them will benefit.

2.  I think one (or more) of the above points
is (are) wrong.

3.  When reading material on race and culture, I tend to bring out my unresolved psychological issues regarding race/culture and/or misrepresent people's work for my own selfish purposes.

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