Books That Offer Lots of Practical and Useful Advice For Managing Student Behavior These books can be ordered from any bookstore. Ask the clerk to use the "Index to books in print" to order the texts. Or log onto one of the bookstores on the web (e.g.,, Barnes and Noble, etc.)Canter, L. & Canter, M. (1996). Assertive Discipline (2nd ed.) Santa Monica, CA: Canter and Associates. Easily read in an hour or so, you can use these ideas the next day and be a fairly good behavior manager. An excellent "nuts and bolts", how-to-do-it book. There's so much more to great behavior management, but this one gives you a good start. Call 1-800-262-4347 Ask for their catalog...they have LOTS of practical, how-to books and materials for teachers of kids of all ages.
Charles, C.M. (1996). Building Classroom Discipline (6th ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman Press. This book has chapters on different influencial people and their techniques for managing behavior. By experimenting with these strategies, you can add lots of tools to your behavior management tool kit.
Dos Santos Kramer, K. & Reifman, S. (1996). How to be an effective teacher. Huntington Beach, CA: Teacher Created Materials, Inc. (ISBN# 1-55734-469-8) Provides friendly, practical advice on building a positive classroom climate and managing behavior.
Evertson, C., Emmer, E. & Worsham, M. (2000). Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers (5th ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. A good "how to" book for all aspects of teaching in the elementary school classroom. There are chapters on organizing your room and supplies, choosing rules and procedures, getting off to a good start, planning and conducting instruction, managing cooperative learning groups, maintaining appropriate student behavior, and managing problem behaviors (among others).
Faber, A. & Mazlich, E. (1980). How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk. New York: Avon Books. A classic text which is much more useful than their most recent book, this earlier work provides 6 or 8 interventions to try before going to your "do it or else" techniques. Their interventions are subtle, respectful, and nice ways to gain compliance from youngsters. Fun reading with valuable advice. Designed for parents, teachers just have to transfer the information to the classroom. Recommend this book to all parents.
Hewitt, M.B. (2000). CHOICES (volumes 1 & 2). These two volumes contain a compilation of articles from a newsletter of a regional educational agency. I find these writings to be the best I've ever run across. Lots of valuable, practical advice with real-life examples (and reasons for engaging in the recommended procedures). Filled with simple, insightful, positive advice and lots of sage teaching wisdom. If I had to choose one reading for experienced teachers, it would be this one (in fact, I use the two volumes in my graduate level "BD methods" course). Order from the author @ $15 per volume (price includes shipping and handling) at Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES-CHOICES, Eisenhower Building, 131 Drumlin Court, Newark, New York 14513. Make the check payable to Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES-CHOICES.
Kellough, R.D. (1999). Surviving your first year of teaching. Columbus, OH: Merrill. Lots of good advice on many topics including getting organized, grading, working with others in the school, curricular concerns, behavior management, the first day, handling paperwork, protecting yourself and students, promoting learning, transitions, etc. Cost is $11.95. Call 1-800-526-0485 to order.
Partin, R. (1999). Classroom teachers' survival guide: Practical strategies. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education. Tells how to manage behavior and build a sense of community in the classroom. Provides techniques and reproducible materials for new and experienced teachers to help them manage behavior through preparation, planning and good teaching style. Available at
Thompson, J.G. (1999). Discipline survival guide for the secondary teacher. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education. A useful reference with checklists, forms, tips on behavior management, and other advice. Available at
Williams, P.A., Alley, R.D., & Henson, K.T. (1999). Managing Secondary Classrooms.Boston: Allyn & Bacon. This book covers all the aspects of setting up and maintaining a well run classroom. Chapters include: Before school begins, The first days of class, Involving parents, Managing behavior, Working with students in crisis, and many others. A good book for the novice teacher of adolescents.
Wolfgang, C.H., Bennett, B.J., & Irvin, J.L. (1999). Strategies for Teaching Self-Discipline in the Middle Grades. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. A good text for managing the behavior of young adolescents and helping them develop inner control over their actions. Contains tips for relating to kids, de-escalating situations, building inner control over one's behavior, and basic behavior/classroom management.
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