
Help Board

To assure that your post is approved by Dr. Mac, please abide by the following rules and procedures for our Help Board:

a. (Despite the message you will see on the board) You DO NOT need to register in order to post a concern or give a reply. The posting and reply features will work without signing on as a member.

b. One you get to the board, click on the age group and setting of interest to you.

c. All submitted posts and replies are reviewed by Dr. Mac who will approve or disapprove them. It might take a day or two for your post to appear on the board.

To enhance the chances of your post being approved for inclusion on a forum, please observe the following criteria:

1. As part of our give one get one, we ask that you give a reply to another message on the board.

2. Use civil and helpful language. Insults, foul language, flaming/shouting, and advertisements result in denial.

3. All posts and replies to them should include a great deal of detail. Those who wish to post a concern should provide the age and gender of the youngster. Then describe the behavior and the situation in which it appears. Give us LOTS of detailed information. Tell us what you have already tried (in detail), and the outcomes of those interventions. Take the time to compose a thoughtful and well-written post. Vague and/or nebulous submissions will be denied access to the board because we wouldn't have enough information to offer you a thoughtful response. Help us to help you.

4. Both posters and repliers should describe the actions of people, avoiding labels such as:"rude", "vicious", "uncontrollable", "stupid", "clueless", "mean", "wacko", etc. Describe the actions that support the label that you have in your mind.



Thanks! Let's work together mindmeld to create a GREAT resource for parents & educators (and other child-centered professionals).

Click on the "Mind Meld" image (above) to go directly to the board.

If you are going to post regarding defiant, rebellious, non-compliant kids, check out the Total Transformation Program (below).

It's philosopy: We are not carpets to be walked on by kids. However, we will also not strike out at them. We will use the force of personality and positive practices to guide the youngster back to appropriate behavior.

The program provides wonderful video examples of how to assert oneself in helping ways. Give it a look!

Total TransformationParent Group Award

More information