Understanding and Handling Aggression in Our Students


Preventing & Managing Aggression: It's a chronic characteristic of children and youth with conduct disorders. Understand the different ways in which it can present itself, and how to respond in tense and threatening situations.


Understanding, Preventing and Defusing Aggression: Part 1



Understanding, Preventing and Defusing Aggression: Part 2



Understanding, Preventing and Defusing Aggression: Part 3




Become highly skilled in preventing and handling conflict!

Take a look at the following learning modules and videos:

1. Verbal Aikido: Verbal strategies for preventing and managing crisis situations.

2. The Conflict Cycle: Gain a deep understanding of why tense situations often escalate into conflict between young people and those who teach and supervise them. Learn new, novel, and effective ways to avoid and de-escalate conflict in the classroom, program, and/or residence.



Contact Dr. Mac at: DoctorMac@BehaviorAdvisor.com




Helping you steer kids in the right direction.