Dr. Mac on Your Team?
Your informed, professional, and child-centered team bases its decisions on thoughtful analysis of collected data. Your suggestions for intervention have benefitted students and teachers in your school. Your team can be proud of what you’ve accomplished.
Periodically though, difficult cases arrive back on your team’s table… again. Most commonly, they involve defiance and aggression that seem immune to interventions.
These are the youngsters who engage in serious violations of school rules, juvenile code regulations, and social conformity. They are destructive of property. They threaten, intimidate, extort, steal, fight, and/or carry weapons. They are cruel toward animals and/or people without feeling empathy, remorse, or regret. They lie or manipulate in order to gain favor or items, or avoid obligations. They are known to law enforcement and social service agencies.
Students with severe conduct disorders are our most intervention-resistant young people. So what does a concerned team do in these situations? They call in the expertise of Dr. Mac, a recognized authority in the education of these errant youth.
Click on the image to view the Janus Project’s Interview with Dr. Mac regarding his career serving children & youth with conduct disorders.
When a particularly difficult case arrives, add another team mate… Dr. Mac (McIntyre)
Why Dr. Mac?
Dr. Mac brings a wealth of knowledge & skills
not found elsewhere
Ph.D. in educating children and youth with severe mental health & behavior disorders
Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Behavior Disorders at Hunter College of CUNY
Supervision and coaching of teachers serving children & youth with highly pronounced behavior challenges
Many years of teaching those youth in need of support & guidance
Leadership positions in international organizations serving children & youth with behavior challenges
Author and director of the internet's most visited classroom management & behavior change web site (BehaviorAdvisor.com)
Author of several books, many scores of articles, and well over a thousand blog posts and other writings for parents and teachers
Frequent commentator on radio & TV regarding the errant behavior of children & youth
Maker of the "Positive Parenting Practices" video podcast series
Contact Dr. Mac at: DoctorMac@BehaviorAdvisor.com