It’s every teacher’s greatest concern:
(It was my #1 concern too until I mastered the skills to prevent it.)
For some, it brings forth thoughts of personal and professional insecurity. For others, it sparks feelings ranging from irritation to rage.
That passive failure or defiant refusal of our students to engage in directed actions takes many forms, and the kids who display them are described by many names:
Seemingly opposites, apathetic responses and outward refusals are really flip sides of the same behavioral coin. In one manner of looking at this connection, that’s a BIG benefit, because non-compliance of any sort responds to the same approach: Thoughtful, practiced and respectful phrasing by the adult.
I can see the eyes rolling in some folks’ heads right now as they’re thinking: “C’mon, McIntyre. I’ve got persistently non-cooperative kids in my classroom, and you think that saying things differently is going to make a difference?!” YES!… an ENORMOUS difference. And I invite you to watch me prove it in today’s video… for free.
Find this video at:
Despite any concerns you might hold that addressing non-compliance with verbal phrasing might be the educational equivalent of being “soft on crime”, I’ll demonstrate to you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it’s not being soft… Rather, it’s being smart.
Smart? Yes, because we cannot mandate compliance, we can only invite it.
Punishment hasn’t worked with our non-compliant kids... We’ve already tried it. Often!
Let’s stop doing more of what isn’t working. In the words heard long-ago by new recruits to the cavalry corps: “If you horse dies, dismount!” We need to find a new disciplinary steed; one with a positive temperment that moves us forward quickly and steadily on the professional development open range. That horse’s name is “Verbal Aikido”.
"Verbal Aikido"? Yes. Today, you have the opportunity to become proficient in the oral version of the martial arts form that allows one to strongly stand up for oneself without causing harm to the opponent.
You’ll become skilled in forms of phrasing that subdue the behavior, not the spirit of the youngster. You’ll be assertive, but never aggressive.
Here’s what you get with today’s B-List update:
-Work in-the-moment to solve the problem
-Promote cooperative & compliant behavior
-Model appropriate interaction & exude professionalism
-Build self-control (in our students AND us)
-Build & strengthen positive connections with our kids
That last point is essential in reaching and teaching kids who are renowned in their schools for being oppositional and contrary. This double webinar (Yes. You get two of them!) provides easy-to-implement positive and respectful techniques that strengthen adult-student interpersonal relationships. Improving your connections with oppositional and contrary kids is essential for creating the learning climate that you seek in your classroom.
Yes, you know it's going to be great, but don't click here until you've seen the video!
I know that I’m not telling you anything new when I say that it’s human nature to cooperate with, and work harder for people you like, admire, trust, and respect. These highly efficacious Verbal Aikido strategies work because they’re connected to the greatest of our human psychological needs: To be emotionally connected with others. The Verbal Aikido phrasology, found only in Dr. Mac's webinar video series, builds and strengthens those fruitful interpersonal bonds. You then create more cooperative kids.
Kids have to like the messenger if they’re going to listen to the message!
Becoming adroit at these verbal Aikido strategies means that you can be nice AND powerful at the same time… AUTHORITATIVE (not authoritarian), MASTERFUL in your guidance, and compassionate in your approach. Your enhanced skill base builds feelings of community, team, and esprit de corps in your classroom.
By the end of these two webinar sessions, you will be skilled in:
1. Avoiding verbal blunders & counter-productive wording.
2. Making use of effective replacements for the contra-indicated phrasing.
3. Using verbal approaches that build & strengthen positive bonds with students
4. Instilling thoughtful, reflective self-control in your most errant pupils.
The Dream Team?
When Dr. Mac of & Rob Plevin of team up together in the same webinars, you’ve got two of this granite planet’s most highly informed and entertaining behavior management experts constantly building off of one another’s ideas.
Add the wonderfully unique responses to activities that we received from of the audience members, and you’ve got a captivating and career-expanding professional development tool.
Gee willikers, we had a HOOT (great fun) while learning together. Join us right now for the first 20+ minutes of that multipart video series and you’ll see what I mean.
Yes. Remember that you’re receiving TWO webinars. But beyond that double dose of erudition, consider that the 2nd webinar is separated into topic areas. That division allows you to quickly return to a particular part to rejuvenate its use in your classroom.
Look at what’s contained in each section!
Webinar #1 (Includes the 20 minutes free preview & the one hour remainder of that 1st webinar):
Webinar #2 (A continuation of Webinar #1) in 10 parts:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Get involved! All of the webinar parts include activities in which you can participate!
Consider the savings: Most webinars cost $75 - $500 to attend.
(and then another $25 to get the replay!)
You get 2 of Dr. Mac's sessions for $49.99!
You know the high quality of his material on
He gives the vast majority of it away for free.
You know (from that history and your peek at the first part of the video series) that
these two webinars are going to make a truly significant difference
in your ability to handle non-compliance and defiance.
You are about to view an informative and entertaining series of videos
that promise to greatly improve your ability to work
with kids known to be non-compliant and oppositional.
Professional development coordinators: This webinar video series makes for great “flipped” sessions for professional development… for quick one hour mid-week trainings or full-day PD gatherings.
Imagine it: Teachers meet in small groups for two hours to watch and discuss webinar 1. They return the large group meeting for discussion and activities.
AND/OR Use the second webinar for nuts-and-bolts, what-to-do, how-to-do-it & when-to-do-it flipped sessions. For each part, small groups watch and discuss for a ½ hour, returning to the large group for professional conversation and instruction.
Professors: This video series can become your asynchronis online class sessions. Students respond in class or with written assignments with their answers to the activities imbedded in the webinar videos (That’s how Dr. Mac uses it!)
As always, rest assured that you have a money back guarantee..
No questions asked.
So… What’s to lose?
View the first 20 minutes of this 3+ hour webinar.
Determine if it meets your professional needs.
If so, continue onward with Dr. Mac & Rob.
If not, you’re still more knowledgeable in your profession
than when you opened this web page, right?
Thanks for your trust in I'll continue to work hard to keep it.
Dr. Mac
You're the Captain of Your Classroom with
Helping you steer kids in the right direction.