G'day fellow B-Listers!
While preferring jazz or orchestral music as I work,
I sometimes listen to hits from various decades. On this particular day, I had a randomized list of 70's tunes playing on youtube, when Pink Floyd's Brick in the Wall came over the speakers. I was drawn to open up the screen and watch the video.
Misunderstood by many, the classic song and video was not riling against education. Rather, it was a rage against mean teachers; those caustic, punitive, criticizing, "I don’t take no nonsense in my classroom." folks who build resentment against the rest of us who are accomplishing our mission with respectful and effective positive practices.
Regarding the Brick song, here's a blurb from wikipedia: "After being insulted by the teacher, Pink dreams that the kids in his school begin to protest against their abusive teachers. The song talks about how he had a personal wall around him from the rest of the world, the teachers were just another brick in the wall." The rather disturbing music video can be found at: https://youtu.be/YR5ApYxkU-U
That vinegar-blooded teacher should have been skilled in positive classroom management. (as per our earlier B-List mailing now at: http://www.behavioradvisor.com/PrepSchoolYear.html) And while we must often give kids a "reality rub" and tell them that their efforts are not up to snuff, we can criticize in ways that motivate rather than demoralize. Those verbal formats are found at: http://behavioradvisor.com/Criticism.html
We want to tear down the negative wall confronting many of our kids with errant behavior, or give them hope that they can climb over it.
Click here for info on how to increase a youngster's desire to change behaviour for the better.
It was over a decade ago that I created a web page where teachers could quiz themselves as to whether they were becoming "too mean”. Where do you score on it? http://www.behavioradvisor.com/AmIProfessionalQuiz.html
A few reminders about respectful teaching practices can be found at: http://www.behavioradvisor.com/respect_web_page_insert.html
It's important to remember that respect goes both ways. We’ve got to give it to get it. It's educational karma of sorts: Like the tides, what goes out, returns.
Kids' minds are precious.
Let’s be careful out there.
**Knowing that the last song we hear is the one that gets stuck in our heads, let's follow "Brick" with something like: "To Sir With Love" by Lulu. (the top pop single from 1967) The video clip/song from that wonderful Sidney Poitier movie about a teacher who takes a job with "difficult" kids in a "tough" neighborhood can be found at: https://youtu.be/PT5OmavfOWg (The full movie is on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE7euuYP3BQ)
Best regards,
Dr. Mac
My name is Mr. Mac! (Those of you familiar with the "To Sir with Love" movie will get the joke.)
P.S. I just fixed many broken links on the “Academy” part of BehaviorAdvisor.com (http://www.behavioradvisor.com/the-macademy/)
Dr. Mac's book for kids to practice respectful ways of interacting with others.