Take your skills & knowledge to the next level!



Videos & Audio Podcasts

What-it-is & how-it’s-done resources for behavior assessment & research-proven interventions.Clothing and hairstyles change, but misbehaviors remain the same. How could the teachers in these vintage videos have prevented the problem? How should they respond to these errant actions?Emotional overload, modeling or a pre-planned tactic? Learn the types, reasons, prevention procedures & effective responses.Was that student’s conduct “Right” or “Wrong”? That judgment often depends of the cultural background of the person making the decision.
Become knowledgeable in the purpose, history, and structure of the diagnostic manual used to identify mental health disorders. View video case studies regarding the various behavioral disabilities.The way in which we phrase our directions, criticism and praise determines whether behavior improves. Prevent & defuse conflict, and enhance the chances of student cooperation & compliance.Masterfully teach inner control of behavior so that your children make good behavior choices (even when elders aren't around).They harmed society. They were then excluded & secluded. Turn their lives around while they’re living & learning in secure facilities.
Re-orient the errant self-concept, values, & actions of youngsters with severe emotional & behavioral disorders.Teaching socially acceptable interaction skills to kids who don’t have them… yet.


Why does that kid keep doing that? Become skilled in determining the “why” of student actions and behavior patterns.Proficiency in classroom management is the lynchpin skill in teaching. NOTHING productive occurs until teachers assert themselves in a caring and competent manner. Become the captain of your classroom.It’s the most research proven whole-class behavior management strategy. It can tame your disruptive classes, but beware the hazards. Dr. Mac leads you to full success with the GBG.How did the flame of learning go out in that child? How did that young person stray so far from the learning tree? Re-energize and re-engage kids who have given up on academics.
Their behavioral patterns are characterized by defiance, aggression, theft, lying, and conflict with authority. Become skilled in reaching & teaching these intervention-resistant kids.Students of sub-Saharan African ancestry are over-represented in disciplinary procedures and programs for students with severe behavior disorders. Become knowledgeable and skilled in understanding, reaching & teaching them.Students residing in areas of long-term poverty are at great risk for failure in our schools. Serve them well by increasing your understanding, knowledge & skills. Parenting is the toughest job we’ll ever love; a job made tougher when our children have significant behavior issues. Dr. Mac provides you with the needed tools.
Behavior, like academics, is taught. Dr. Mac provides extensive materials for assessment, planning & instruction in personal interaction skills.

Diagnostic-Prescriptive Instruments

for Severe Behavior Disorders

Improve the accuracy of the character audits with two instruments that identify strong, distorted, and weak quadrants of the circle AND prescribe interventions to strengthen the youngster’s wheel!

Youngsters with conduct
disorders and/or in trouble
with the law: The strongest interventions won’t work unless these students are receptive to them. The BTG assesses the stage of readiness to change, and prescribes approaches & strategies to move them to higher levels of willingness and success.

Know where & how to begin in teaching acceptable interaction skills to your students.Is that student’s behavior pattern disordered, or is it simply different? Is the youngster’s cultural upbringing a major influence on school-based conduct?


Newly arrived youth undergo deep psychological changes related to their sense of who they are & who they will become. This self-help book for children and youth brings understanding of their challenges, guiding them to a “positive cross-cultural identity”.It’s a story book for immigrant children, with an integrated teacher guide filled with questions to stimulate discussion. Children come to understand their changed lives while sharing with others.The ONLY self-help book FOR kids with behavior challenges or labeled as being behavior disordered. Great for social skills instruction or home use. Rave reviews! (& 100 free lesson plans)Only here! It’s the best what-to-do and how-to-do-it guide for new and struggling teachers. Everything you need to manage your classroom efficiently… from organization to behavior management.

Professional Development & Consulting

Professional development at its best. Start your gathering
on the right note
with one of Dr. Mac’s entertaining & informative sessions! Have him stay throughout to present a wide array of sessions.
Brainstorm with the best! Planning programs and devising strategies for your most intervention-resistant students? Bring Dr. Mac to your meetings!They have such potential! Help them become confident & competent classroom behavior managers.


Take your classroom behavior management skills to a new level! Ace that teacher evaluation!Technology delivers Dr. Mac into your room to observe, support, and advance your classroom behavior management abilities. Real-time guidance or after-session conferences.Become the positive & effective guide that your child deserves. Technology brings you and Dr. Mac face-to-face, as he supports your efforts to raise “a good kid”.Set up your computer screen and activate the video conferencing program. Dr. Mac is now a “fly on the wall”, observing the authentic home environment, complimenting what you’ve done well, and providing specific suggestions for creating a more harmonious home environment.
What’s on this week’s agenda?... A Q&A session on how to prevent & handle children’s misbehavior? A presentation on being assertive? Suggestions on how to give effective directions? Share an evening with Dr. Mac.

 Posted by at 9:31 pm